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Written by Anne-Marie Fruge | Oct 27, 2022 5:09:05 PM
As I walked into our break room at quitting time, I couldn’t help but recognize the unique aroma of hard work. That smell is one of the greatest gifts a team can give one another when working outdoors, because it represents the effort, achievement, hustle, and hard grind they perform when accomplishing their goals. Some might call it body perfume, or odor, but not me. I call it the smell of success.

Sometimes as customers, if we are lucky, we can catch a similar odor when watching a good grocery store cashier at work, or in an accountant’s office during tax season. We can all remember the smell of our elementary classroom. We didn’t know it then, but now we remember it as the smell of LEARNING and TEACHING. In our favorite restaurants, the smell of the food reminds us of the labor of service going on all around it. Success is grounded in that smell and the “sweat smell” is actually the “sweet smell” of success.

Not all hard work requires actual sweating, but every leader in every industry needs people who will gladly work hard each day to get the results required. Comforts of a modern world can sometimes make us reluctant or even immune to hard work, which leads to a failure to recognize and appreciate those who show up, every day, and give it their all. 

If you work with people who put it on the line or run into examples of excellence at the businesses you use, count your blessings, and recognize it as the sweet smell of success.

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.”

~ Thomas Edison

Written by the Jeff McManus Group 

Jeff McManus Group