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2 min read

The Heat is On

Brooke Inzerella on How to Stay Safe During Hot Summer Days

Looking out of my window as I write this column in mid-May, there is a torrential downpour outside. It’s been raining all week in southern Louisiana, dramatically slowing business operations. It’s frustrating knowing that crews can’t work at maximum capacity despite having so many projects on the books. Sometimes the only thing you can do is have patience AND plan ways to work “with” Mother Nature and not against her. We know what’s in store for the south: the unrelenting heat and humidity of summer! While I can’t control the weather, I do have a few tricks to mitigate the effects of extreme heat.

The Heat it On (2)

  1. Early on in my career, I noticed that plants and shrubs waiting to be planted at the job site would begin to show signs of stress within a very short window during times of extreme heat. To help fight the heat stress we purchased a few inexpensive, portable beach tents for each crew. Now, it's a non-negotiable for the crew to pop a few tents when they arrive onsite, and all greenery must stay under the tents until they are planted. 
  2. We all know it’s imperative to thoroughly water newly planted shrubs and flowers, and we normally do this when we’ve completed the job. But when we have extreme heat and humidity, we implement an “Every 15” rule. Instead of watering everything when the job is complete, the team stops to thoroughly water after placing ever 15th plant. We also do a thorough final watering before leaving the job site.
  3. The Heat it OnWe always have plenty of water and sports drinks in our vehicles. During extremely hot days though, we ensure there is plenty of Florida water and rags. Each individual has their own set up, and I constantly remind my team to hydrate and take more small breaks than usual to cool the body down. We add lighter shirts in the summer with wicking fabric into our uniform mix, and even discuss symptoms of heat stroke. My team leaders know I take this subject very seriously.
  4. Speaking of more breaks than usual, I account for this in my labor estimate for summer jobs. The team will operate a little less efficiently during these months, and although I can’t always tell clients exactly when every project will be ready, it’s still top of mind.
  5. The bottomline: Have patience! The type of work we do is very labor intensive - it’s hard work even on cool, breezy, 70 degree days with no humidity. Battling the heat and humidity makes it a lot harder, and  will likely be less efficient and productive overall. I know that our productivity will improve once the heat begins to subside in late September. As an owner and leader, it’s my responsibility to continually communicate that the health and safety of our employees is the most important thing. 

ABOUT Brooke Inzerella

Brooke Inzerella is a licensed landscape horticulturist and owner of Horticare Landscape Company in Lafayette, Louisiana. 

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