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3 min read

The Healing Art of Topiary

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For almost a century, the benefits of horticulture as a therapeutic modality have been proven and documented by the medical community. Universities now offer graduate and postgraduate degrees in the field, and the American Horticultural Therapy Association promotes the practice nationwide. Although not as well-known, topiary can provide the same outcomes as gardening and other therapeutic horticulture practices. Mike Gibson, an award-winning topiary artist, is hoping to shine a light on how the art can be used to help individuals overcome challenges they face, both mentally and physically.

$IMG_20210719_184941When Mike was just seven years old, he found his ability to function in a traditional classroom environment was impacted by an ADHD diagnosis. He struggled to meet the demands placed on him at school and began exploring topiary as a creative outlet. With the encouragement and guidance of his artist father, he looked forward to the weekend when he could use his shears to create something unique, free from the rules and expectations of others. Although his diagnosis was looked at as a negative in school, it became an asset in the art of topiary, where he could let his mind wander in the world of creativity. Perfecting his self-taught skills and gaining the attention of neighbors, he gradually grew his clientele and created a lucrative side business that eventually morphed into a full-time career. Little did he know at that time, but topiary had become more than a business opportunity for him. It had become a coping mechanism for the stresses of life—one that he continues to utilize today. 


Pearl Frayer and Mike Gibson

Mike says, “[School] was such a struggle … I would go to school during the week and, on the weekend, I had the chance to cultivate my skills and hone in on my passion. That is what grounded me, that is what helped me calm down. And still to this day, if I’m getting too distracted or something, it is beneficial for me to step outside and start trimming some bushes to just calm down. Even cleaning my shears is therapeutic.”

$IMG_2533 (1)To bring more awareness to topiary and its therapeutic benefits, Mike feels it is important to offer it as an elective in all schools, particularly the inner-city schools where 4-H and agricultural programs may not be offered. The hands-on approach of such programs has been proven to benefit all children but may be especially beneficial to those with ADHD and who have difficulty in traditional learning environments.

“There are millions of kids that have never heard or know anything about gardening or even anything about horticulture now, but to learn topiary at a young age is pivotal to human success,” he says. “If all kids learned about topiary, it could change a generation.”

Drawing from his personal experiences as well as the widespread mental health crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mike knew he needed to make topiary available as a therapeutic tool to the public. He started his topiary as therapy workshops in 2022, presenting them all over the country at botanical gardens, nurseries, art museums and corporations. He is scheduled as a presenter at the American Public Garden Association’s annual conference in June.

Mike with Martha StewartMike Gibson on the tv show Clipped on Discovery Plus with host Martha Stewart

His message is that topiary is for everyone to enjoy and not just the wealthy and elite, as many believe.”

"I think topiary has proven throughout time that is it a catalyst to healing, a catalyst to creativity."

 Mike Gibson“Anyone can pick up a pair of scissors and cut a branch and continue cutting into some type of shape. I do believe it is a skill that is inside of everyone.” 

After a brief history of the art of topiary and creative pruning instruction, workshop attendees then have the opportunity to become artists. Equipped with an evergreen plant (either an Emerald Green Arborvitae, Yaupon Holly or Compacta Holly), a pair of Niwaki topiary shears and one-on-one support from Mike, they are free to design and create their very own topiary. People walk through the doors feeling doubtful of their abilities, expecting failure, and leave filled with pride at their accomplishments.

Through topiary, attendees learn the core qualities of self-empowerment, confidence and patience, all skills that can be applied to every aspect of life. Not only does topiary improve individuals’ mental health, the physical act of trimming and pruning plants can also improve mobility in the fingers and hands.

“This topiary therapy workshop is something that is going to help [people] relieve their stress and help with their mental and creative process, but also their overall health and wellness,” Mike says. 

Mike Gibson Topiary

He hopes to be a positive voice for how topiary should be accessible so everyone can reap the therapeutic benefits it has to offer.  “Not a lot of people are looking at topiary as an art form and as a therapeutic measure to help them heal,” says Mike. “And [it] can be both. I’m trying to let the world know that topiary is nice and aesthetically [pleasing] to look at but it’s also a great tool that you can use to help heal yourself.  I don’t know where I would be without topiary.”

If you are interested in booking a topiary therapy workshop,  contact Mike Gibson with Gibson Works LLC’s at


Mike Gibson
Owner of Gibson Works LLC

(330) 406–9360

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