Think Outside the Box
Explore the Endless Options & Opportunities of Shade Sail Systems for the Urban Landscape with Nate Dodge
Nate Dodge Examines How Small Site Enhancements Yield Big Results
Owners and stakeholders want their properties to look their best. The landscape creates a first impression for the community and surrounding market. When residential properties, HOAs, commercial centers and office parks utilize site enhancement programming, they experience more efficient and aesthetic grounds. The results positively affect both owner and contractor. As a landscape maintenance company, your work follows you. Curb appeal communicates quality and company values. Be proactive. Show your clients through each season how small changes and improvements yield big results.
Work With It
You don’t need to start over. Utilize the property’s existing strengths and work with them. If a specimen offers contrast with a building, keep it, manicure it, reshape it and work with what is already there. Remember, architecture comes first. The landscape should support and complement the architecture. Do not clutter the foundation of a nice building with trees and plantings. Clutter is a waste of maintenance and resources. Instead, focus, accent and reshape to save money. tree comes down because it overgrew its space, covered over a building or damaged a foundation. Plant smart— know your trees and their growth habits. Utilize dwarf shrub varieties for less pruning and safety. Big shrubs covering entryways and windows create an opportunity for crime and theft, which leads to unhappy clients and lost maintenance contracts. Shrubs and trees that don’t overgrow the space require less money and maintenance. Contractors win when clients are happy and save money.
Realistic rendering that illustrate designs
Embrace High-Impact Planting
Embrace the “wow” factor. Annual flowers provide a dynamic pop of color for every season. Do not be afraid of symmetry. There are moments to embrace formality for a sense of organization in the built environment. Consider bloom times and spread things out so there is ornamental activity all year. Masses of single variety plants are noticeable from a distance and create impact. Utilize plant height using terrace beds with different plant sizes, such as ground covers, dwarf grasses and smaller evergreen shrubs. Combine this with taller accent shrubs that offer a backdrop with multiple seasons of color and interest. High-impact planting is strategic, creates a focal point and ensures aesthetic value.
Focus On Entryways
There is no dormant season for an entryway trying to attract business. Entrances make the initial impression upon residents, clients and customers. These areas need to be safe, clean and aesthetic. It is achievable no matter the budget. Embrace regular cleanups and pruning. Adorn entryways with swappable annuals and seasonal displays year-round. Consider a well-placed planter or two that match the building’s façade or signage when bed space is limited. An aesthetic entryway that is warm and welcoming matters most.
Nate Dodge
ND Design Services, Inc.
Phone: (267) 678–7507
Explore the Endless Options & Opportunities of Shade Sail Systems for the Urban Landscape with Nate Dodge
April Philips Describes Giving New Life to an Expansive Historic Site in the Bay Area