SYNKD is hosting the 3rd annual awards program at the Gas South Convention Center in Duluth, Georgia, on January 16, 2025. Have you submitted an entry? See below...

The SYNKD Awards recognizes individuals & businesses that have made contributions to the landscaping industry.
Deadline for Nominations: January 6, 2025
Award Ceremony: January 16, 2025 at 2:00 pm
SYNKD Live Awards FAQs
Why should I participate in the SYNKD Awards?
Participating in the awards programs:
- Can boost your company's presence in the landscaping industry.
- Allows your company to gain exposure for potential clients.
Overall, it is a great way to celebrate your company's achievements!
When will the ceremony be held?
The SYNKD Awards will close out the second annual SYNKD Live event on the main stage at 2:00 pm on February 15, 2024.
How many awards will be available this year?
There will be four awards available this year at SYNKD Live. More details below.
Do I have to be present to win the award?
SYNKD highly recommends that you are present for the award. If you are not able to attend, someone can accept the award for you.
Are sponsorships available for the awards?
Yes! SYNKD is currently looking for sponsorships for Widly SYNKD award. Please contact Angelique at for information on how you can sponsor an award.
Who can I nominate?
You can nominate yourself, your company or someone else for any of the awards. Information in regards to qualifications on each awards are shown below.
When is the deadline to submit nominations?
January 15, 2024. To nominate an individual or company, please fill out the form that is on this page.

This award recognizes new businesses who have been in operation for five years or less and have already made significant impact in the industry. Examples include: Overall business growth, established company culture, employee education/training, community involvement, customer service and overall industry leadership or advocacy.
Eligibility requirements:
0-5 years in business as a landscape company
Submission requirements:
Show growth of the business over time (% revenue, # employees)
References from clients, employees
Aspirations for the future
Environmentally SYNKD
This award recognizes a company who has made sustainability an integral part of their business practices, whether in-office or on job sites. Examples include: waste reduction, recycling initiatives, adoption of electric equipment, eco-friendly projects and environmental advocacy.
Eligibility requirements:
Must have been in business for 5+ years
Can be a landscape business or supplier
Submission requirements:
Show as much detail on the environmental considerations given and quantities if possible
As much quantitative data as possible
Quotes from clientele

Innovatively SYNKD
This award recognizes a company or person who has incorporated innovative technologies and solutions to enhance business operations or client services. Examples include: Adoption or Creation of New Technology (software, equipment, supplies), Forward-Thinking Leadership and/or Creative Problem-Solving.
Eligibility requirements:
Must have been in business for 5+ years
Can be a landscape business or supplier
Submission requirements:
Detail on the innovations in the company and what your future aspirations are
Quotes from employees, clientele, etc.
Wildly SYNKD
This new award recognizes a company that has incorporated a variety of hardscape materials together for an aesthetic masterpiece.
Examples include: unusual use of hardscaping materials and/or a variety of hardscaping materials that are very unique and creative
Eligibility requirements:
Any length of time in the business as a Design and Build business
Must be constructed in a quality fashion
Submission requirements:
Detailed design drawings/plans with description of materials as well as before and after photos
Can be more than one project
Can include any hardscape materials: bricks, natural stone, blocks, decking, wood, metal etc.
Please email before and after photos to Angelique at

Environmentally SYNKD
The Environmentally SYNKD award was presented to Lawn Capital for their commitment to battery-operated tools for their employees and the environment.
This award was sponsored by Milwaukee Tool

Innovatively SYNKD
The Innovatively SYNKD award was presented to Soake Pools for innovative design and construction, which allows landscape contractors to easily install high quality plunge pools.
This award was sponsored by Towa Industries, Inc

The Newly SYNKD award was presented to Jason Coultas from Huckleberry Enterprises for their amazing client service and attention to detail. They have also grown significantly in their 1st year of business.
This award was sponsored by Jeffrey Scott Consulting

Wildly SYNKD
The WILDLY SYNKD award was presented to Inside Out Landscape Design for integrated such an interesting variety of hardscape products in their unique design and construction project.
This award was sponsored by SYNKD

Environmentally SYNKD
The Environmentally SYNKD award was presented to MonarchCHEM for their eco-friendly weed killer, and received by Patrick Henry the President and COO.

Innovatively SYNKD
The Innovatively SYNKD award was presented to The Langton Group for their use of robotic mowers/ equipment to innovate and advance their business. The award was received by Julia Langton on behalf of Joe Langton CEO of Langton Group.

Sponsored by Jeffrey Scott Consulting
The Newly SYNKD award was presented to ServeScape for their rapid growth as a new business and impact on the industry. The award was received by Mario Cambardella, CEO of ServeScape.