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Connecting the Landscape Design, Build & Maintain Sectors Throughout the United States Through Print & Digital Regional Publications

Connecting the Landscape Design, Build & Maintain sectors throughout the United States through print and digital publications.
SYNKD South Fall 2023 Issue features JTA Stoneworks project on the front cover.



At SYNKD, we cultivate a distinct community that stands apart in the landscape industry. With a robust emphasis on content, we have crafted a people-centric, education-oriented platform that serves: Industry Leaders, Decision-Makers, Landscape Architects, Specifiers and Problem Solvers.

PUBLICATIONS | Find Your Regional SYNKD Magazine

SYNKD Regional Map

OVERVIEW | Breakdown of Stats per Region & More

Audience Breakdown

36% of SYNKD's audience is Landscape Designers


IncludesLandscape Architects, Designers, Specifiers, Hardscape & Softscape, Decking, Pools, Lighting and Irrigation

Landscape Builders make up 62% of SYNKD's Audience


Includes: Landscape Construction, Landscape Installation, Hardscape-Only, Softscape-Only, Decking, Pools, Lighting, Irrigation & Exterior Construction

Landscape Maintain sector makes up 44% of SYNKD's audience


Includes: Hardscape, Softscape & Lawn Care

100% of SYNKD's audience is made up of decision makers.


100% of the printed publications go to the decision makers

*Note that the 3 sectors shown do not equal 100% as many of our audience do a combination of the 2 or 3 sectors.

Regional Stats

SYNKD South Region Map


SYNKD South is sent to the 13 southern states 

The publication is B2B 

Total of 5,000 copies are sent each quarter 

SYNKD West Region Map


SYNKD West is sent to the 13 western states

The publication is B2B 

Total of 4,200 copies are sent each quarter 

SYNKD Midwest Region Map


SYNKD Midwest will be sent to the 12 midwestern states 

Launch date is TBD

SYNKD Northeast Region Map


SYNKD Northeast will sent to the 12 northeastern states

Launch date is TBD

IN EVERY ISSUE | SYNKD Features These 3 Things in Every Issue


SYNKD features industry leaders in every publication. Find them in these sections of your regional SYNKD Magazine: Q+A, Mini Interviews, Industry Leader(s) & Company Profile.


Discover projects in your region that are raising the bar in the industry. If you would like to submit a project, visit the Resources tab and click on "Show off My Project." We are excited to see your projects!


Discover and learn about new and innovative products and services that are shaping the landscaping industry in every issue of SYNKD.


Testimonials from Our Audience

SYNKD Leaf_Orange
"I was thrilled to receive your magazine & want to be an ongoing subscriber. In the UK, they have publications to assist architects & designers with the latest greatest. There is a huge opportunity for SYNKD­—I’m likely going to order a Carta by Plott & wouldn’t have known about this product without your magazine."
Owner & Designer in Washington
SYNKD Leaf_Orange
"I make time to read all of SYNKD publications from cover to cover & really value them­—but most people’s content bores me to death."
Jason Coultas
Owner Huckleberry Enterprises
SYNKD Leaf_Orange
I’m very impressed with the [SYNKD] publication. I don’t read any other trade publications but enjoy this publication. I agree that we need to consider the maintenance to guide the design & build of projects.
Johnn Leslie
Owner of JSL Landscape Design & Build